Content Focused
Repetitive, monotonous questions
Focus on 'what' to learn
Focus on cognitive development
Provides content. Teachers need to devise methodologies
Usually written by one author
May not be aligned to
learning outcomes
Mostly 'one way' communication
Learning is presented as a journey, consisting of meaningful & engaging activities through which concepts are derived
Questions to promote varied thinking, based on the Four Facets of Thinking Framework
Not just the what, but the 'why' by making learning relevant. And the 'how' by promoting selflearning
Focus on not just the what, but on the Four Domains of Development - Cognitive, Social, Emotional and Metacignitive
Engaging and relevant methodologies interwoven with the content.
Ateam of experts from multiple domains carefully develop the content in Studios
Every lesson is aligned to clearly defined learning outcomes based on SOLO Taxonomy
Multiple 'spaces for expression' for students to express their own understanding of the concepts being learnt